Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts and the Red Brick Gallery proudly announce its next exhibition “World Views” featuring photographs of passionate world traveller Ray Rossi from October 7 to November 13, 2016.
This Exhibit will have two Meet the Artist receptions. Red Brick Cooperative Artist Ray Rossi were on hand to greet the public on Sunday, October 9 during the Foxburg Food, Art & Wine Festival and on Sunday, November 6 from 4 to 6:00 PM after the 10th Anniversary Classical Concert of the Renaissance City Winds at 2:00 PM in Lincoln Hall.
Gallery hours are Fridays, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Sundays, 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information on the Exhibit call 724-659-3153.
Ray Rossi
Artist Statement
Although I possess little to no formal training in photography, I have always had a strong interest in capturing the eye’s image. I didn’t enter into photography as a serious art form until I retired from my “real” job, teaching middle school. I had the privilege of influencing the minds of middle schoolers for 32 years. As it turned out, teaching them had as much influence on me as I on them.
My subject matter was that of geography and world cultures. Both of these areas intrigued me as a young student and inspired my desire for travel and discovery. As a youngster I would spend countless hours looking over maps of the world, learning all the continents and the countries that were contained within. Nothing was so remote or distant that it would cause my imagination to disregard the possibility that I would someday visit many of these venues.
My first of many adventures came the very day I retired from teaching. I left school at noon on my last day and boarded a plane for Germany three hours later. That adventure took me to the Bavarian Alps, the lake region of Italy, Florence, and Rome. I also visited my ancestral home of Castro dei Volsci where my father was born. I had the pleasure and honor to say a prayer in the very church in which he was baptized.Having had my appetite whetted, my next adventure happened on the British Isles. I spent 17 days with rail pass in hand traversing all across southern England. Boarding the train at Victoria station my journeys took me from the East at Leeds Castle to the West at the village of Bath. From there I hiked the Scottish Highlands conquering 10 Munroes, the 4000 ft. elevation mountains that make up most of the Highland region. This trip was followed by an exciting sojourn to one of North Americas most interesting locations, Newfoundland. The raw beauty that I found there stayed with me for many years. Newfoundland’s culture is truly unique. The people have managed to carve out a placid style of living in an otherwise harsh environment.
Hiking, in conjunction with photography, soon became my life’s passion. If one is to be considered a serious trekker one must set his sights a little higher so with this in mind I decided to fulfill one of my most desired trekkes… Machu Picchu. Accompanied by two of my close friends we booked a flight to Cuzco Peru where we back packed for four days and three nights up the Inca trail to the fabled lost city of the Incas. Nothing could have slaked my thirst for adventure more than this. Or so I thought while standing at the top of the Incan trail.
I soon asked myself if I could ever top the Peru trip; my question was quickly answered. After a splendid 15 day hiking adventure in the South Island of New Zealand, followed by three weeks in the wilds of Alaska, my most adventurous trip was realized….climbing to the base camp of Mt. Everest.
This trip exceeded my most vivid expectations. The wonderful shots that I was able to capture lead to my first art exhibit at the Red Brick gallery. Photos of Everest, the people, the children along the way and of course the magnificent scenery left me with the desire to share my vision with others.
Although my camera equipment is modest I still feel that the eye for composition is equally important. I don’t utilize special printers for my work but with the help of my wonderful son-in-law Jeff Daverman and his terrific studio, at never, I am able to have much of my work put on canvas.

Much of the success of my work both in the photography realm and in the beautifully framed work is attributed to my framing partner, Barb McKissick.
Barb and I started our framing business, Framin Raymond, in 2001. Barb has that rare ability to look at a painting or any piece of art and immediately tell you what it needs to bring out its full beauty. Her gift of color is outstanding. Barb has worked in several fields where color is an essential part to the success of the finished product and without her enormous talent Framin Raymond would not exist.
The public is invited to a Meet the Artist reception on Sunday, November 6 from 4 to 6:00 PM after the 10th Anniversary Classical Concert of the Renaissance City Winds at 2:00 PM in Lincoln Hall.
Gallery hours are Fridays, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Sundays, 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information on the Exhibit call 724-659-3153.