Do we see with our eyes or our brain? According to the invisible ships phenomenon, it appears to be our brain. Joseph Banks, botanist on Captain James Cook’s 1770 voyage to Australia wrote that when their ship first approached the coast, the native fishermen virtually paid no attention to the 106-foot long Endeavor passing within a quarter of a mile of them, scarcely looking up from their employment. They supposedly couldn’t see the large ship, because they’d never before seen one.
Perhaps that is why the eye has been called a humble and silent organ. Its light and energy are filtered by what the mind expects to see, giving credence to the adage that we only see what we’re looking for. It also explains the role that artists throughout history have taken, opening new worlds to their viewers – putting what they see and feel into images that invite one to look through the prism of their imagination and emotion.
You can see through the “mind’s eyes” of two delightfully different artists in Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts’ next exhibit in the Red Brick Gallery from April 21 to May 28, 2017 in Foxburg. Magic and mystery are the inspiration for the artwork of guest artist Bruce Pipman and RBG Cooperative Artist Jason Floyd Lewis.
Meet the Artists in the Exhibit Opening on Sunday, May 7 from 4:00 t 6:oo PM immediately following the concert by the Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Players at 2:00 PM in Lincoln Hall.
Gallery hours are Fridays, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Sundays, 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Bruce Pipman
Artist Bruce Pipman creates what he calls a magical reality, where objects that look like birds and fish are not that really. His art engages the viewer in observing the artist’s creative steps and seeing through his imagination.
“Insight starts with knowing yourself. The viewers complete the picture. I believe that the truth in life lies beneath the surface and in my paintings I try to scratch at that surface.” His exhibited artwork, primarily developed “via acrylics, ink and inspiration”, will include works both new and from recent shows, including “Magical Realism” and “The Poet Speaks”.
Bruce Pipman always has taken an inventive approach, from professional work as a photographer in early years to his career in the Executive Search Business. He has been creating art since retiring ten years ago – moving from working in the basement of his home to an Amish built studio in his backyard in New Kensington where friends and neighbors stop by to watch him work.
Inspired by what artists Milton Avery and Pablo Picasso could do with a couple of lines, Pipman seeks to stimulate his audience to “dream through the lines and color of the image and to look not so much through my eyes as through my mind.” He also puts words on some artwork, wanting the viewer to follow the words into the painting.

Demonstrating that retirement is just the beginning for many Baby Boomers exploring paths not taken earlier in life, Pipman says that working as an artist is as fulfilling as anything he’s ever done. As the father of two sons who have children themselves, it is a joy for him to watch his grandchildren respond to his art. “I’m a Grandpa with the mind of an 18 year old kid.”

You can “see” for yourself, through the minds and vision of two superb artists at the Red Brick Gallery and Gift Shop from Friday, April 21 to Sunday, May 8, 2017. A Meet the Artists reception will take place on Sunday, May 7 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, after the concert of the Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Players at 2:00 PM in Lincoln Hall.
The Red Brick Gallery and Gift Shop is located at 17 Main Street, Foxburg, PA 16036. Gallery Hours are Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 PM, Saturdays 11:00–7:00 PM, and Sundays 12:00–4:00 PM.
Jason Floyd Lewis

Jason Floyd Lewis is well known to area residents. A native of Clarion, PA, Jason is a charter artist/member of the Red Brick Gallery Cooperative whose works grace the walls of the Gallery and Gift Shop and the homes of his many fans and friends. His stunning oil landscapes range in size from exquisite miniatures to breathtaking large canvases; landscapes in graphite and colored pencil are subtle in nuance and detail.

Jason Floyd Lewis grew up in Clarion, PA. He received a BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design where he studied drawing and painting. He went on to earn a MFA in Drawing at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Currently, Jason lives in Clarion, Pennsylvania and shares a studio space with his wife, Amanda.

Jason’s interest in conveying mood, emotion and the effects of light, air and humidity takes the viewer on a journey into the mind of the forest scenes he depicts.
Jason Floyd Lewis has been drawing and painting the landscape for over fifteen years. His artistic process has always centered around the naturalistic study of his subject. In his recent work, he has become inspired by the mystery and emotive potential he sees.

“The work evolves as I become interested in different characteristics I perceive in the world around me. During the past winter, I have been observing the landscape in various states of diminishing light and thicker atmosphere. This has been enabled by the shorter daylight hours of winter and the increased time spent outside in lower light conditions. The exploration of these motifs has influenced the way I use light in all of my work.”

Jason Floyd Lewis – Artist Statement
My artwork represents the landscape as I have observed it. The paintings and drawings represent real places, most of them near my home in western PA. Most of the places I choose to represent are in some way memorable, such as rivers, roads or other significant landmarks. I am interested in the way human activities coexist and intermingle with the natural landscape in rural areas.

My goal is to depict the landscape in a naturalistic way. I use photographic reference in the studio to produce my finished works, however, I do not consider myself to be a photorealist. The photos are a tool used both for designing and for recording facts about my subject. As I work, I refer to the photographs, but also rely on my memories of observing the landscape and on my recollections of paintings done by other artists whom I admire. I work in thin layers of paint, building up detail and color contrasts gradually until I am satisfied with the visual impact of the representation. I am also interested in depicting the various effects of light, air and humidity that can transform the mood of the landscape.
I recently have focused on forest interior spaces, exploring the more rugged terrain of wooded areas. In my work, I try to balance my strict attention to realistic detail with a freedom to manipulate the overall structure and effect of my images. I try to use gradations, lines and rhythms to create a sense of space and time in a dynamic way. My goal is to orchestrate works of art that not only emulate the beauty of the landscape but also operate as an expression of my personal response to it.

The exhibit can be seen at the Red Brick Gallery from Friday, April 21 to Sunday, May 8, 2017. A Meet the Artists reception will take place on Sunday, May 7 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, after the concert of the Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Players at 2:00 PM in Lincoln Hall.
The Red Brick Gallery and Gift Shop is located at 17 Main Street, Foxburg, PA 16036. Gallery Hours are Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 PM, Saturdays 11:00–7:00 PM, and Sundays 12:00–4:00 PM.